Vancouver Mission Star

This message was written by President and Sister Middleton.  It also appears in the Vancouver Star, the weekly newsletter of the Vancouver Mission.  It is sent to each companionship throughout the mission.

Canada Vancouver Mission Newsletter                                                                                                         February 19, 2008

Welcome Brian Leavitt to the Mission Presidency

                                With thanks for an extraordinary job well done, we have released President Peter Jillings from the mission presidency.  Having completed 8 excellent years as a Counselor, having served with President Robert Haight, President Steven Stewart, and then with us, we release President Jillings with a note of thanks for a wonderful job well done!

                Called to serve as our First Counselor is Donald W. Anderson, who had previously been our Second Counselor.  Called as the Second Counselor is Brian Leavitt of Langley, who had served as the Abbotsford Stake President prior to President Paul Christensen.  President Anderson is an ENT specialist M.D., a member of the UBC Medical College faculty, who specializes in cancer surgery of the ear, nose and throat.  President Leavitt is the CFO of Leavitt Machinery, a multi-national company created and run by President Leavitt and his brother, Thomas Leavitt.  In Presidents Anderson and Leavitt we have been blessed with extraordinarily talented and spiritual individuals who know and deeply love the gospel.  We are most grateful for their enthusiasm and willingness to serve.

Surrey Stake (Missionary) Goals for 2008, shared by Brother Lloyd Cook of the High Council:

                1.  Reactivate at least one member per auxiliary or Priesthood quorum per Ward over the coming year.

                2.  Increase the number of members who hold current temple recommends.

                3.  Use every activity that we have in our Ward as a missionary opportunity.  Not only does it mean our Sunday meetings, but also our YM/YW activities during the week and dances on weekends, Primary activity days, Relief Society, Priesthood and Ward socials, just to name a few.

                “President Soll has also set up a reporting system in the priesthood quorums that happens each week in the opening exercises.  Also, in order to create more unity amongst the quorums, we have been asked to sit in the first three rows of the chapel.  All quorum leaders sit with the Bishopric on the stand and give the following report:

Priesthood Office

Members in Quorum

Number Attending that week

Members assigned to Home Teach

Your last activity had how many less actives in attendance?

Your last activity had how many non-members in attendance?

How many families are assigned to your quorum to visit through Home Teaching?

Report on number of families visited during the last month.”

Editor’s Note:  congratulations to President Bennie Soll, the Surrey Stake president, and his other stake leaders, who have been inspired to boldly establish this “organization for success.”  It focuses beautifully on the PMG principle of having members invite to “come and see.”

Campbell River Ward Members are Inviting Repeatedly and Regularly, by Elders Adam Hassell (and Hyrum Curiel)

                “Things are going great up here in Campbell River.  We are enjoying working with the members here very much.  Today in Church one of the young women was so excited to put 6 gold stars on the Star Chart we have (each star represents one non-member who was invited).”

Exchanges Helpful; Many “Stars” for Members Inviting; Primary Children in Duncan Taught How to Invite, by Sisters Marie Bates (and Linda Pelchat)

                “Sister Pelchat and I are getting a chance to meet with the members here in Duncan and become acquainted.

On transfer day I had the chance to do some really serious tracting on an exchange with Sister Tarina Anderson.  It had snowed in Nanaimo, the really wet stuff.  It came over the top of our shoes, but it didn’t stop us.  What an energetic young girl.  She is amazing.  ‘Oh to be young again.’ 

                “Our ward is really getting on board.  The Vancouver Temple background is really getting lit up with each star being placed by a member who invited someone.  Sister Pelchat and I have been asked to do Sharing Time in Primary, and we will be using the first few minutes to encourage the children to do missionary work.  Then we will get back to them the following month to see how they have done.  We will be doing this the first Sunday of each month.  I think that it will be a very promising program because little children are very effective tools in helping to find new investigators.”

Fellowshippers and Activities are Key to Spanish work in Abbotsford, by Elders Bradley DeHerrera (and Laric Tolleson)

                “This week we are really striving to introduce our spread out Spanish members to various investigators, depending on who fits them best.  In regards to our family with the baptismal date, we want to push all the members to meet them and build a relationship with them.  Their biggest problem of not going to church often is because they don’t know anyone, or everyone is English speaking.  So to help them overcome their fears, we aim toward building relationships with the Spanish speaking Saints within the Stake.  It’s usually quite easy to get members started with them, because once they talk to them (face-to-face or via telephone), they’ll take it from there, swap phone numbers with them, and set dinners up.

                “Another thing we’re planning to do is holding a Latin family party night at the Church.  We found a lot of success in bringing our investigators to Church during the Christmas parties held in each ward.  We went to all three Abbotsford/Mission ward parties and had more than 20 investigators go.  That was a first to have that many investigators in the Chapel.  Parties work, and therefore we plan on having another soon.  We told this to one of the Spanish members and he instantly started helping us.

                “A vital tool in Missionary work that I’ve found is simply doing things with investigators that they like doing.  We find a righteous interest of our investigators and then do it with them.  Spanish people love their parties, so we’re going to party!”

        We are so privileged to watch both members and full-time missionaries come together in their missionary efforts to grow the Church.  BC is ablaze with missionary zeal and enthusiasm!  The Lord is blessing our efforts.  Thank you!

Doctrine and Covenants Dash Reading Starts Feb 25th

        By now most of our missionaries have completed or nearly completed their companionship reading of the New Testament.  We are asking that each companionship complete that read by Feb. 23, then start reading together the “Doctrine and Covenants Dash” on Monday, Feb. 25, 2008.  Read it together for spiritual knowledge and for fun.

President and Sister Middleton


Elders:  Rajan Copeland, Layton Utah; Joshua Dietz, Murray UT; Samuel Taylor, Chubbuck ID; Kevin Anderson, Herriman UT.

Sisters  Kathleen Weber, Highland UT


Sister Linda Pelchat:  In Times of Turmoil my motto became Proverbs 3:5-6.  It applies not only to missionary work but to life.  I will really miss the truly great people that I have met on my mission.

Elder Brian Fisher:  “I say unto you that the thing which will be of the most worth unto you will be to declare repentance unto this people, that you  may bring souls to me, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my Father.” (D & C 15:6).  It is a privilege to serve the Lord!  Make the best of the time we’ve been given, because it goes by quick!  Thanks for the memories!

Sister Heidi Wu:  Smile!  The most successful missionary is the happiest missionary.  This is the glad-tidings message.  let all BC know that we have the BEST message to share with them.  I know the gospel is true.  I know that Heavenly Father loves us and it has been such a great honor to serve my Lord.  Charity never faileth – keep loving the people!

Elder Brandon Loong:  Dear President:  Quick question…I came across these words while studying the handbook.  “Support your companion…do not criticize him or HER…” (p.30)  Well…I’ve had plenty of “him” companions so far.  From now on, and (with permission), I’d like to stick with the other combination.  After all, it took 12 ‘hims’ to get me through 2 years, but I suspect it will only require 1 ‘her’ to take me through eternity (cute, I know).  Keep it ‘rill’ elders and sisters.  Love you – adieu and Amen.

Elder S. Janssen Weeks:  “A religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things, never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation.”  Joseph Smith Jr., The Prophet.  I love this, the work of the Lord.  I love you my dear friends.  Remember, what we do in life echoes in eternity.  Continue on…Keep the FAITH!  I leave my blessing with you.  Mosiah 2:41 – Alma 36:3

 Elder Choi:  “Say nothing but repentance unto this generation; keep my commandments, and assist to bring forth my work, according to my commandments, and you shall be blessed.”  (D & C 6:9)  This mission is not easy, but something that I know for sure is that this is our duty as a part of the Plan of Salvation.  The temple is progressing, this mission is growing also.  “No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing.”  Work hard – Be diligent, and give all you have to build this kingdom.  I promise you that you will be blessed.  I love this mission!  Canada Vancouver Mission is the BEST!

New Converts

Kelowna:  Jacob Kuyvenhoven, Sydney McCarty

Prince George:  Marianne Walker

Surrey:  Elle Van Nen, Patricia White, Riley Giles, Laura Fortin, Saman Ebrahimi

Surrey Language:  Haimei Wang

Vancouver:  Gary Johnson, Mori Ayumi

Vernon:  Samantha Davis, Teresa Penning, Amalia Penning, Tracy Mason, Heather Peterson

Victoria:  Mathew Going, Miykael Thur, Alison Gosling


Mission Tour by Elder Dennis Neuenschwander.  Lower Mainland, March 10, at Burnaby; Vernon/Kelowna March 11, in Kelowna; Prince George March 12; Victoria/Nanaimo March 13th in Victoria.


(Check off weekly whether you have achieved each of the eight goals below.)

q Ask for a referral name in every conversation with a member or non-member alike… “Will you bring an acquaintance on a Spiritual Tour?”

q Challenge members to Set-A-Date for a Spiritual Tour or a Church event which can be coupled with a Spiritual Tour  with their non-member friend at least 3 times yearly.

q Our goal is to find at least one new investigator daily. 

q       Our goal is to teach 15 or more full lessons weekly…

q       …with at least 3 Spiritual Tours weekly.

q Extend at least one baptismal invitation and commitment each week.

q Remember our mission goal:  10 Gospel contacts per day per missionary outside our usual finding and teaching duties.  That includes a Gospel message to everyone you see.

q As weekly goals are set for each Key Indicator, pray for inspiration, and set goals that are lofty yet achievable.  Our ultimate long-term goal is for at least 3 baptisms per companionship per transfer.  

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.  Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord.”   2 Timothy 1: 7,8


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